Monday, March 21, 2016

Fort Pulaski and Cockspur Lighthouse

February 27,2016

We made the journey to see Cockspur Lighthouse near Savannah Georgia. In order to get close to the lighthouse, you have to go through Fort Pulaski. Once you pay the park entrance fee, you drive across a small bridge and there is a parking lot, You park there. There's a trail to the left of the fort and you follow it along. The trail leads through a beautifully wooded area and then abruptly comes to an end a fairly good distance from the lighthouse. Luckily for us, the tide was out.

Camera in hand, we trucked our way through mud. There were multiple times that the muddy path tried to take my shoe hostage, but fortunately I made it to solid ground with both shoes and all my limbs. However, I was covered in mud from my hips down. But it was worth it. The view of the lighthouse was absolutely amazing.

While we were there, the tide continued to go out, so we could get even closer. 

Sadly, we were unable to get any closer than that though. The tide wasn't completely out before the park closed. So the only way to get to the Cockspur Lighthouse is by bought, which we didn't have. But that's okay. I got to enjoy the beautiful sight and the peacefulness of the area. No one wanted to trek through all the mud, so we had the area to ourselves. 

After we were finished at the lighthouse, we made our way back along the lighthouse trail, to Fort Pulaski. 

Walking into the fort, I was greeted by a moat that was actually filled with water. I've been to multiple forts and this is the first that had water in its moat. 

Fort Pulaski has two levels. From the top level you can look down into the middle of the fort.

Isn't it pretty?

Inside the fort there was the Officer's Chow, the Medical Ward, the Prison and the Powder room, just to name a few. 

Powder kegs inside the powder room.

Fort Pulaski itself is shaped like a baseball diamond. Here's a fun fact about the fort! The first ever photographed baseball game, was in inside the fort in the open yard. Pretty cool eh?

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