Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgivings Past

Hey, y'all! I've decided to make a post that doesn't exactly go with my blog normally is. But that's okay. I promise next week I'll go back to sharing our wonderful adventures.

We are now living the farthest I've ever been from my parents, over 6,000 miles. That being said, as you can imagine plane tickets home are quite expensive. So we won't be spending time with our family this holiday season. This will actually be my first Christmas without my parents.

So, let's talk Thanksgiving. I mean what's not to love? There are food and family.

I remember growing up, I would help my mom cook the food for dinner, barely able to see over the counter while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Then we would all gather around my parent's big dining room table (only used for the holidays). My dad would take one of the end seats and my papaw the other. We'd bow our heads to say grace and thank God for bringing us together again. Then we'd pass bowls, heaping with all sorts of delicious foods, around the table. We'd spend the next hour (or more, who really kept track) eating, laughing, and telling stories.I remember laughing until my cheeks and stomach hurt. Many years have passed since I was that little girl. My grandfather is no longer with us (but believe me when I say we always include him in our prayers). We no longer are all together on Thanksgiving. But I will always have those amazing memories of having dinner together and laughing.

It's a day to be thankful for all the things the past year has brought. It's time to spend with family and friends, sharing laughs and making memories. But so many people forget about that. They get caught up in the stress of fixing big dinners and then rushing out to shop for cheap gifts to give for Christmas. They no longer enjoy their time together. They no longer make those wonderful memories like I have from my childhood.

So, please. this Thanksgiving take the time to enjoy each other. Laugh. Tell stories. Reminence. That's what the holidays are about. I promise you can buy that TV later. You can't get this time back. Make the most of it.

What's your favorite Thanksgiving memory?

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