Friday, October 19, 2018

How to Make Your Travel More Eco Friendly

It's no secret that our planet is being overrun by garbage and pollution. It honestly breaks my heart to know that humans have done such damage to our planet and done so much harm to the animals that inhabit it,

But it's important to remember that all hope isn't lost. We can each make small changes in our lives that have a huge impact on the environment. There may even be things that you haven't thought about. So I wanted to take the time to share with you all the small things that I like to do while traveling.

  • Bring your own water bottle. 
When traveling I always carry a water bottle with me. I keep it empty when I go through security at the airport and then fill it up at a fountain or even at a restaurant in the airport. Not only does it help me save money (I mean who really wants to pay $5 for a bottle of water?) but I don't add to the plastic waste that is ending up in our oceans and landfills. I personally use this water bottle. It doesn't leak and it keeps my water cold.

  • Reusable cups, mugs or jars. 
If you're a regular reader on my blog, then you know how much I love coffee. One of the first things I do when I go someplace new, is find a small coffee shop to try out. One day I was sitting in a coffee shop, drinking out of my paper cup and I realized that I've added so much waste to our planet simply by drinking coffee. Sure paper is biodegradable, but the plastic lids are not. So I've made a conscious effort to bring my own cup when I buy coffee. In fact, a lot of places even offer a small discount for doing it!

  • Reusable straws. 
I'm sure you've all seen the image of the sea turtle with a straw in its nose. If that doesn't bread your heart, I don't know what will. Some scientists estimate that there are 7.5 MILLION straws currently polluting the US Shorelines alone. That doesn't include other countries or the straws that have washed away. You may think that you making a change to not use straws won't help the planet. But think of it this way: on average each person uses 2 straws a day. That's 14 straws a week, 56 straws a month and 672 straws a year. That means there will be 672 less straws in the ocean if YOU refuse to use them. Think of the change we could make if we get our friends and family members to also not use them.

  • Reusable produce bags. 
When I travel I love visiting farmers markets or local markets. I love trying all the produce that different places have to offer. I noticed that quite a few stands I'd visit would give me plastic bags to hold the produce that I bought. I hated that I would get so much plastic. So I bought reusable produce bags to take with me. They're sturdy, don't take up much room and super easy to wash. I use these and I absolutely love them.

  • Reusable shopping bags. 
When I travel I like to bring a reusable shopping bag with me. I don't usually buy a lot, but I like to have it with me just in case. I carry it in my purse that way I have it if I need it.

These are just small changes that each of us can make while traveling and even in our daily lives.

What are ways that you help stay eco-friendly while traveling?


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for which I may receive compensation. Your purchases help me to continue to share tips and adventures with you. But as always, all views and opinions are my own. 


  1. Some great ideas. Every little bit helps

    1. I feel like we all should just take small steps to help the environment, especially when traveling.
